12th Street Connector Transportation Improvement Study
The 12th Street corridor is an important link within Northeast Wilmington between the I-495, Route 13, and Route 202 corridors and downtown Wilmington. The disjointed street network makes access difficult and diverts traffic onto neighborhood streets. Although local transit serves the community, many of these local streets lack sidewalks, crosswalks, bicycle facilities, and lighting.
Traffic Circle Pop-up Demonstration
Check out the Traffic Circle Pop-up Demonstration at Open Streets Wilmington Saturday, July 23 from 3-6pm between between Walnut St. and Vandever Ave. Ever notice how fast cars take turns at the intersection of 16th Street, Jessup Street, and Pine Street? DelDOT will be installing temporary yield signs and a temporary painted traffic circle to see if it helps to slow traffic down, and to see if the neighborhood likes the idea. Let us know what you think!
View the Final Report – June 2019
January 7, 2019 Workshop Materials
- Fact Sheet
- Study Purpose and Need
- Study Area
- Multi-Modal Transportation
- Community Resources
- Environmental Resources
- Crash Data
June 25, 2018 Workshop Materials
- Workshop Presentation
- Environmental Features
- Crash Data
- Traffic Volumes and LOS
- Multi Modal Transportation
Wilmington’s EPA Study Materials
- Open Space & Resiliency Improvements
- Wilmington Market Analysis/Opportunities
- Potential Site Yield for Alternative “A”
- Potential Site Yield for Alternative “B”
Alternatives Analysis and Improvements
- Alternative “A” (Land Use) (Transportation)
- Alternative “B” (Land Use) (Transportation)
- Alternative “C” (Land Use) (Transportation)
Study Objectives
- Improve access to the Wilmington Central Business District (CBD) and the Brandywine Riverfront
- Improve Multi-Modal Network Linkages, including pedestrian, bicycle, and transit amenities
- Improve local traffic operations
- Support economic development and job creation
- Re-route freight outside of communities
- Improve corridor aesthetics and environmental sustainability with beautification and green infrastructure
Study Schedule
- April 2018 – Project Initiation
- Spring 2018 – Assess Existing Conditions, Opportunities, and Constraints
- June 25, 2018 – Community Visioning Public Workshop
- Summer 2018 – Develop Conceptual Alternatives
- September 2018 – Public Meeting to Review Potential Design Alternatives
- Fall 2018 – Develop and refine a Preferred Alternative, Cost Estimate, and Identify Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Strategies
- December 2018 – Draft Report Complete
- January 2019 – Public Meeting to Review the Preferred Alternative and Draft Report
- Winter 2019 – Refine the Preferred Alternative and prepare a Final Plan
- March 2019 – Finalize Plan and Prepare for Next Steps.
Next Steps
- Secure Project Funding from federal, state, and local transportation funding sources
- Update Regional and State Transportation Plans to include this project
- Initiate Preliminary Design and Environmental Permitting
- Coordinate other related infrastructure upgrades and local redevelopment opportunities
- Develop final plans for the 12th Street Connector
- Project construction