In 2019, New Castle County Department of Land Use, DelDOT, and WILMAPCO have completed the Transportation Element of the Southern New Castle County Master Plan, encompassing the entire area of New Castle County below the C & D Canal. The plan builds on the work of previous plans, including the 2009 Infrastructure Master Plan and the 2003 Local Road Plan, and will help guide development and transportation decisions in one of New Castle County’s fastest growing areas for decades to come.
Southern New Castle County Master Plan Implementation/Monitoring Activities | |
July 2021 | Townsend Walkable Community Workshop |
June 2022 | 2022 Townsend Traffic & Safety Monitoring Report |
June 2023 | 2023 Townsend Traffic & Safety Monitoring Report |
Southern New Castle County Master Plan
The Southern New Castle County Master Plan establishes a long‐term vision for land use and infrastructure in southern New Castle County (NCC) based on sound planning principles and public input. The plan informs development, preservation, infrastructure, and policy decisions in the study area. The results of this plan will also be used to inform the Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO) Regional Transportation Plan and the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) Capital Transportation Program.
August 26, 2020 – Virtual Workshop Materials
October 7, 2019 – Public Workshop Materials
- 10/7 Workshop Presentation
- 10/7 Scenario Boards
– Scenario #1 “Business as Usual”
– Scenario #2 “Planned Growth and Preservation”
– Scenario #3 “Town Infill and Preservation” - Future Sewer Service Boards
- Goals & Objectives Boards (with supporting display boards)
– Transportation
– Quality of Life / Health
– Economy & Jobs
– Community Character
– Environment
June 24, 2019 – Public Workshop Materials
- June 24, 2019 – Public Workshop Materials
- 6/24 Goals and Objectives matrix
March 13, 2019 – Public Workshop Materials
Jan 31, 2019 – Public Workshop Materials
- 1/31 Workshop Flyer
- 1/31 Workshop Presentation
- 1/31 Table exercise materials and results
October 17, 2018 – Public Information Session Materials
Objectives of the Plan:
- Inform development and preservation decisions, recommended physical improvements and governmental policies regarding transportation and land use for Southern New Castle County, as implemented through the New Castle County Comprehensive Plan.
- Through consensus building and stakeholder support, address near-term and long-range solutions and policies with an emphasis on integration of sustainable land use planning.
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