Charlestown Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan
The Charlestown Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan will be developed by the Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO) and Town of Charlestown, Maryland in cooperation with interested stakeholders. Building upon the 2008 Charlestown Vision Committee Report and the Comprehensive Plan, this plan will identify corridors for future bicycle and pedestrian pathways and a comprehensive network for walking and bicycling to key destinations. Pathways can be separated from the street system or within the roadway right-of-way. Such corridors may include streams and rivers, active utility rights-of-way, and public or private open space lands. The plan should provide short-cuts for pedestrians to nearby destination points, and should be designated for dual use with cyclists. The plan will also coordinate with the Cecil County Bicycle Plan that is currently under development.
Contact WILMAPCO for more information or to comment on the project: email or call 302/737-6205, toll free from Cecil County, 888/808-7088.
Goals and Objectives
The Charlestown Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan will provide a coordinated and strategic approach to the development of a network of off-road bicycle and pedestrian paths, and connecting pedestrian and bicycle routes. The Plan will seek to guide the development of greenway, bicycle route and pedestrian facilities in Charlestown by:
- Identifying best practices and their possible use in Charlestown
- Evaluating exiting conditions and identifying gaps in the network
- Identifying network for walking and bicycling including potential greenways, sidewalks, and bike routes
- Proposing programs, policies and projects for fostering development, maintenance and use of the network
- Identifying possible funding sources and partnerships
Planning process
Development of the Plan will include stakeholder and public outreach elements. A project advisory committee will consist of a variety of stakeholders including residents, businesses, civic, elected officials and greenway groups identified by the Town along with officials from the Town of Charlestown, Maryland Department of Transportation, and Cecil County. Other outreach will include public workshops and a project web site.
1. Define Scope of Work
- Develop a general plan scope and timeline
- Identify Advisory Committee
2. Review existing conditions
- Review related plans and documents
- Map existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities
- Map major trip origins and destinations including community services, schools, businesses, dining, shopping, and parks
3. Identify issues, opportunities and constraints
- Meet with Advisory Committee to discuss issues, opportunities and constraints for walking and bicycling
- Collect, map, and analyze bicycle and pedestrian crash data
- Conduct site visits and create a photo inventory
- Hold public workshop
4. Recommend draft bicycle and pedestrian network, policies and guidelines
- Identify additional and improved links needed to create a complete and safe bicycle and pedestrian network.
- Identify other system improvements including parking, signing, and lighting.
- Identify projects that improve safety at hazardous locations along the network.
- Identify strategies, practices and programs for bicycling and walking including guidelines for design, coordination with land development, coordination with other transportation projects, and facility maintenance and management
- Meet with Advisory Committee to review draft recommendations
- Hold public workshop to review draft recommendations
- Develop an initial draft of the plan
5. Identify implementation strategies and potential funding sources
- Identify existing and potential funding sources and partnerships
- Refine a final draft of the plan for review by Advisory Committee
- Provide opportunity for public comment on the draft plan
6. Adoption of the plan
- Seek plan adoption by Charlestown Mayor and Commissioners and WILMAPCO Council