Delaware City Transportation Plan
WILMAPCO is working with Delaware City and the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) to create a transportation plan to improve mobility in Delaware City.
- Delaware City Transportation Plan — Approved May 14, 2009 (PDF, 3MB)
- Public Workshop – May 3, 2006
- Walking Tour – May 25, 2006
This plan will be prepared by the Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO) in cooperation with Delaware City and the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT).
WILMAPCO is designated by the Governors of Delaware and Maryland as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Wilmington, Delaware metropolitan planning area, which consists of New Castle County, DE and Cecil County, MD and is responsible for transportation planning in the region. Delaware City provides some transportation services such as local road maintenance, parking and sidewalks. DelDOT is responsible for providing transportation services throughout the State of Delaware. Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) administers all DelDOT transit programs, including service in the predominantly urbanized area north of the Chesapeake & Delaware canal in New Castle County. This study will be a joint effort between WILMAPCO, Delaware City and DelDOT, with WILMAPCO as the managing agency.
Delaware City residents will develop transportation recommendations for the town center and surrounding areas. The study will further analyze issues raised in the Delaware City Comprehensive Plan. Transportation goals in the Comprehensive Plan include:
- Provide safe and reliable circulation within the City utilizing all transportation modes.
- Improve transportation links to areas outside of the City.
- Ensure sufficient parking to accommodate residents and tourists.
Additional relevant goals address town center revitalization, economic development, historic preservation, recreation and open space, and public safety.
The plan will also help to implement the WILMAPCO Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) by linking transportation and land use, improving mobility in the community and managing the transportation system. The RTP recognizes that strengthening our communities through improved traffic flow, transit, walking and bicycling facilities along with improved visual appearance can encourage the use non-automobile modes, promote economic development, and reduce the need for costly roadway expansions.
Scope of Work
Based upon public input and technical analysis, this study will:
- Confirm and identify transportation local issues within town boundary and potential long range annexation area.
- Identify local streets of regional significance.
- Confirm and identify transportation issues in greater Delaware City area including Route 9 Corridor
- Compile relevant transportation and land use data.
- Identify and analyze potential solutions.
- Reach agreement on a transportation action plan for Delaware City that includes the best set of multimodal solutions.
The following study will address the issues raised in the Delaware City Comprehensive Plan:
Roadway Improvements – Street Maintenance and Mapping
- Explore with DelDOT participation in the Pavement Management Program. Under this program, DelDOT engineers assess the condition of each street segment in the City, determine needed repairs, and prepare a five-year program for completing repairs.
- Continue using the Pavement Management Program to seek funds from the State’s Municipal Street Aid Program.
- Determine the status of paper streets by researching City record, Council minutes, and seeking assistance form the New Castle County Board of Assessment
- Work with the City to develop a position on the disposition or retention of the rights-of-way
- Recommend subdivision regulations or Unified Development Code to re-map area,
- Analyze photometric and centerline mapping to assess public Right of Way.
Public Transportation and Paratransit
- Conduct a survey of Delaware City residents to ascertain whether their transportation needs are being met.
- Present findings to Delaware Transit Corporation
- Request additional service if warranted.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation
- Conduct a sidewalk inventory; rank areas for new sidewalks, repairs, and handicap accessibility.
- Develop a capital improvements project for annual, incremental sidewalk construction and repair that operates from a revolving fund.
- Recommend public rights-of-way that could serve as pedestrian paths or bikeways
- Develop subdivision regulations and include a requirement for developers to build sidewalks
- Develop a plan for bike and pedestrian facilities, including recommended sources of funding.
- Conduct a traffic and parking study, including regionally significant parking, of the areas frequented by tourists, working with the Main Street Program.
- Recommend appropriate public rights-of-way that could be used to provide off-street parking, especially in the town center.
Main Street Program
- Develop design recommendations that support the work of the Main Street Program to enhance the physical appearance of the entire downtown area including structures, streetlights, parking areas, signs, sidewalks and street furniture.
Other recommendations may be developed relating to traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety, Route 9 scenic byway, mobility-friendly design standards, emergency evacuation routes, and connectivity to and use of potentially annexed land.
Public Involvement
Public involvement should be a part of each stage of the study. We will seek public input through media coverage, town meetings and joint public workshops of Delaware City, DelDOT and WILMAPCO. Workshops will give the community an opportunity to comment on transportation and land use issues and discuss possible solutions. A management/steering committee will consist of representatives from Delaware City, DelDOT and WILMAPCO and a variety of stakeholders including elected officials and civic, business, and historic preservation groups, Delaware River and Bay Authority, Delaware State Parks, and the Main Street Program. The committee will guide the study process by proposing potential solutions, determining how information is presented to the public and reviewing technical analysis.
The final report will include discussion of transportation problems in Delaware City, relevant transportation and land use data, recommended solutions and discussion of public involvement during the study process. Sections may include the following, with additional sections as needed:
- Introduction: Purpose and organization of report
- Regional Context: Regional land use, environmental features and transportation
- Local Context, Issues and Opportunities: Transportation network, land uses, environmental features, issues and opportunities
- Traffic Circulation: Major through routes, wayfinding and traffic calming
- Parking: Existing supply and demand and opportunities for additional or shared parking
- Pedestrians, Bicyclists and Transit: Existing and proposed pedestrian and bicycle improvements and transit services
- Mobility Friendly Design: Analysis of potential mobility friendly land use policy
- Implementation Action Plan: Prioritized recommendations