Town of Port Deposit Transit Feasibility Study
Report: Port Deposit Transit Feasibility Study, endorsed July 11, 2013
Meetings and Public Outreach
- Public Meeting: April 17, 2012, 6:30 p.m., Port Deposit Presbyterian Church – Meeting flyer
- Port Deposit Town Council briefings: November 29, 2011, November 27, 2012, May 28, 2013
- Advisory Committee:
- November 7, 2012, 3 p.m., Port Deposit Town Hall agenda
- February 28, 2012, 3 p.m., Port Deposit Town Hall – Meeting notes and handouts
- Contact WILMAPCO for more information or to comment on the project: email or call 302/737-6205, toll free from Cecil County, 888/808-7088.
About the Study
The Port Deposit Transportation Plan was developed by WILMAPCO and Town of Port Deposit, Maryland using technical analysis and feedback from those who live, work and visit the town. This project assessed the feasibility of transit connections from Port Deposit to key destinations in western Cecil County and Havre de Grace, as well as related transit amenities within Port Deposit. Our efforts focused on linking residential, recreational, educational and commercial locations via transit to serve the needs of those who live, work and visit the town.
The Port Deposit Transit Feasibility Study sought to support the transportation goal in the town’s comprehensive plan: “provide for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods that promotes walkability and use of non-motorized forms of transportation.”
Planning Process
1. Define Scope of Work
- Develop a general plan scope and timeline
- Identify Advisory Committee
2. Review existing conditions
- Review related plans and documents
- Review available demand responsive transit and social service agency transportation data
- Collect, map, and analyze existing transportation and demographic data
- Map major trip origins and destinations including community services, schools, businesses, dining, shopping, and parks
3. Identify issues, opportunities and constraints
- Meet with Advisory Committee to discuss issues, opportunities and constraints for transit and connections to transit
- Survey community regarding transit needs
- Conduct site visits and create a photo inventory
- Hold public workshop
4. Recommend preliminary draft transportation solutions and cost estimates
- Identify potential transit routes and ridership potential
- Identify related transit amenities
- Meet with Advisory Committee to review draft recommendations
- Hold public workshop to review draft recommendations
- Develop an initial draft of the report
5. Identify implementation strategies and potential funding sources
- Identify existing and potential funding sources and partnerships
- Refine a final draft of the report for review by Advisory Committee
- Provide opportunity for public comment on the draft report
6. Adoption of the study
- Seek report adoption by Port Deposit Mayor and Commissioners and WILMAPCO Council