WILMAPCO Prioritization Processes

Overall Project Prioritization

WILMAPCO has created an Overall Prioritization Process to evaluate transportation projects using measurable criteria based on the goals of our long-range plan. It provides a qethod to compare projects proposed for our Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).

This Process was adopted by WILMAPCO Council on May 11, 2006 and amended on July 10, 2008. The project lists will be ranked this summer and submitted to DelDOT/MDOT for consideration in their statewide process this fall.


TAP Project Prioritization

WILMAPCO has a second prioritization process dedicated just to Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) projects. Like the overall process, it provides a quantitative, transparent  method for TAP submissions.  This TAP  Prioritization  Process was adopted by the WILMAPCO Council on May 9, 2013 .


CMAQ Project Prioritization

A third WILMAPCO prioritization  process  is specific to Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) projects.  This interim process uses national data to prioritize projects within our TIP for CMAQ funding.

