Route 9: It’s About Time
Final Resident Survey Report
Study Components
- Project Scope
- Site Plan
- Real Estate Market Analysis Memo
- Task 1 Map Series (165 mb)
- Feedback Received from Public Workshop 1
- Study Components and Follow-up Studies
- Details of Summer Outreach Activities
- Feedback Received from Public Workshop 2 and McCullough Middle School Students
- DNREC Division of Air Quality Comments
- Anyone who has questions or concerns about air quality are encouraged to call DNREC at (302) 739-9402.
- WILMAPCO Response Letter to DNREC
Interactive Summer Outreach Map
When reaching out to residents and business owners at events and community centers, we invited people to share what neighborhoods they live or work in. This interactive map shows which neighborhoods were represented at each outreach event. To view points for each event separately, use the checkboxes on the left side of the screen.