WILMAPCO Safe Routes to School Program
The Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) creates safe, convenient, and fun opportunities for children to bicycle and walk to and from schools. SRTS programs aim to make bicycling and walking a more appealing transportation choice thus encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle. The program can play a critical role in reversing the alarming nationwide trend toward childhood obesity and inactivity.
WILMAPCO works with DelDOT and others to develop several SRTS programs including most recently, Claymont, Downes, and Elbert-Palmer Elementary Schools. Our work at Elbert-Palmer was even recognized by the Safe Routes to School National Partnership as a top practice nationally. Learn more.
WILMAPCO offers free assistance in developing SRTS Programs. We can help you get started and guide you through the process. Highlights of our SRTS programs have included a district-wide Walk to School Week, including pedestrian safety events at three schools and a Park and Walk event at Mount Pleasant Elementary School. Other highlights have included bike rodeos, pedestrian safety assemblies, art contests, and much more.
To learn how we can help your K-8 school get started, contact Heather Dunigan at (302) 737-6205 ext. 118, or email hdunigan@wilmapco.org. Download flyer.
Additional Resources
- WILMAPCO’s SRTS programs, contact Heather Dunigan at (302) 737-6205 ext. 118 or email hdunigan@wilmapco.org.
- Delaware SRTS program: https://deldot.gov/Programs/srts/.
- Maryland SRTS program: https://roads.maryland.gov/mdotsha/pages/Index.aspx?PageId=735
- WILMAPCO’s Elementary School Curriculum: www.wilmapco.org/school-children.
- An additional child safety resource: http://www.ladahlaw.com/las-vegas-car-accident-lawyer/child-family-travel-tips.
- Additional SRTS resources: www.saferoutesinfo.org