Sea-level Rise Vulnerability Assessment 



WILMAPCO was one of the first Metropolitan Planning Organizations in the country to complete a sea-level rise (SLR) transportation vulnerability assessment.  The work profiled existing and planned transportation infrastructure and projects which risk inundation, both regionally and locally.  A Steering Committee comprised of local transportation and environmental planners, SLR experts, and interested residents guided the project. 


2011 SLR Transportation Vulnerability Assessment

Recently, WILMAPCO updated some of this work using fresh SLR projection scenarios. 


2020 SLR Data Report  

Interactive Maps  

New Castle County – Road and Rail SLR Impacts
Cecil County – Road and Rail SLR Impacts  


  Flooding Along SR 9 (Peggie Schultz)




For more info, contact Bill Swiatek:; 302-737-6205 x113