Performance-Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) Overview
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) required State DOTs and MPOs to conduct Performance-Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) by tracking performance measures, setting data-driven targets for each measure, and selecting projects to help meet those targets. These PBPP requirements were continued and strengthened in the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. PBPP ensures the most efficient investment of federal transportation funds by increasing accountability and transparency and providing for better investment decisions that focus on key outcomes related to seven national goals. The overall goal is to:
- Measure progress toward the goals and objectives of the Long Range Transportation Plan
- Support investment decision making and establish future target performance goals
- Communicate with regional stakeholders and the public.
Progress towards achieving these targets and goals can be viewed by visiting the following links:
2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) |
FY 2025-28 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) |
CMAQ / Air Quality |
Congestion Management Process (CMP) |
Freight Plans |
Safety (DE SHSP) (MD SHSP) |
Performance Period #2 Summaries : 2021- 2025 |
• MDOT TPM Mid-Period Performance Report (2024) • MDOT TPM Targets Summary for Second Performance Period (2022) • MDOT Performance Management Website • 2022 WILMAPCO TPM Summary (DE & MD) |
Performance Period #1 Summaries: 2017- 2021 |
• MDOT Performance Period #1 Review Summary • DelDOT PMs 2 & 3 Target setting memo (May 2018) • MDOT website for TPM Goal and Target Setting |
Target setting: Below is a breakdown and summary of each of the seven performance measure areas and associated targets and goals for the WILMAPCO region. Most targets are the Statewide targets. More information on the methodology and coordination efforts for each State can be found in the following links:
National Performance Area |
Funding Program | Measure(s) | Targets and Goals (Performance Period #2) |
Roadway Safety (PM 1) |
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) |
• # of fatalities • Rate of fatalities • # of serious injuries • Rate of serious injuries • Non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries |
National Highway System (NHS) Asset (Pavement & Bridge) Management (PM 2) |
National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) |
• % Interstate and NHS Pavement in Good/Poor Condition • % Interstate and NHS Bridge Deck area in Good/Poor Condition |
NHS Travel Time Reliability (PM 3) |
National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) |
• % of person-miles traveled on the Interstate and non-Interstate NHS that are reliable | |
Freight (PM 3) |
National Highway Freight Program (NHFP) |
• Truck Travel Time Reliability on the Interstate System | |
CMAQ: Traffic Congestion |
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) |
• Annual hours of peak-hour excessive delay per capita • Percent of non-single occupancy vehicle travel |
CMAQ Emissions Reduction |
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) |
• On-road mobile source emissions reduction | |
Transit Asset Management & Safety |
Transit Asset Management |
• Rolling stock (revenue vehicles) • Equipment (including non-revenue service vehicles): • Infrastructure (rail fixed-guideway, track, signals, and systems): • Facilities |