Delaware Statewide Truck Parking Study


About the Study

The purpose of this study is to develop a Statewide Truck Parking Study to support the advancement of priority solutions that improve truck parking statewide. Availability of reliable truck parking is a constant concern for transportation agencies across the nation. This study is geared to have a two-part approach. First, the study needs to address the requirements set by MAP-21 for addressing truck parking along the interstate system. Secondly, the purpose of the study is to go beyond those requirements and look to address more localized, shorter-term truck parking and staging within the State of Delaware.  Additional focus of this effort will be regular engagement with the local trucking community. Their local knowledge can help verify the technical data review portion of the study and help with future strategies and recommendations.

Study Materials and Presentations

Focus Group Meeting #2 Materials

May 2021: The second focus group meeting covered details on undesignated truck parking in Delaware, followed by presentation of a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis for truck parking in the state. In addition, preliminary solutions and strategies to advance truck parking in Delaware were presented.

Focus Group Meeting #1 Materials

March 2021: The first focus group for the Delaware Truck Parking Focus Group presented initial truck parking findings in Delaware, including truck parking inventory, truck parking utilization, undesignated truck parking, truck parking violations, and truck/trailer crashes. In addition, the project team gathered thoughts, questions, and feedback from public and private stakeholders.

Other helpful truck parking information

Sign up for Project Updates!

  • We welcome your feedback!  If you have questions or comments or would like to sign up for project email updates, please email Randi Novakoff at
  • For any questions or comments, please email the project manager Dan Blevins at