WILMAPCO’s Council is composed of representatives of state and local governments, and public agencies responsible for transportation and land use policies. The Council adopts transportation plans and studies, sets policy, and approves funding for transportation projects in our region.  The Council usually meets on the second Thursday of every other month at 2:00 p.m.  Meetings are held a the WILMAPCO offices and virtually.  These meetings are open to the public.

 Agendas and Materials

If you would like to view previous minutes, click here.


Council Members

New Castle County, Delaware

  • Delaware Governor Appointee, David L. Edgell
  • Delaware Department of Transportation, Nicole Majeski, Secretary
  • Delaware Transit Corporation, John Sisson, Chief Executive Officer
  • City of Wilmington, Mayor, Michael S. Purzycki
  • New Castle County, County Executive, Matthew Meyer
  • New Castle County Municipalities’ Representative, Eric Scott Thompson

Cecil County, Maryland

  • Maryland Dept. of Transportation Cheif, Office of Planning, Programming and Delivery, Geoff Anderson
  • Cecil County Executive, Danielle Hornberger
  • Cecil County Municipalities’ Representative, Vacant