The Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a systematic approach for addressing regional congestion that provides accurate, up-to-date information on transportation system performance and assesses alternative strategies for congestion mitigation that meet State and local needs. Strategies are drawn to reflect the regional vision and goals that are developed in the WILMAPCO 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). Multiple data sources were used to perform a system-wide performance analysis to identify recurring and non-recurring congested locations. In addition to travel–based measures, elements which measure safety conditions and intersection functionality were also included in the hotspot identification process.
Included in the CMP is the incorporation of the analysis from the DelDOT Traffic Operations Management Plan (TOMP). These operations plans are developed for each County by DelDOT every three years using multiple robust data sources using modern data collection technology that enables DelDOT to monitor and understand traffic mobility across the State. Using the combination of the results from the DelDOT TOMP, coupled with other reliable data sources has allowed for a more comprehensive congestion assessment of the WILMAPCO region.

CMP Tasks and Actions Toward Achieving Transportation Performance Targets
   The main CMP purpose is to provide decision-makers with a performance based mix of strategies to mitigate congestion and improve the mobility of people and goods traversing the regional transportation system. In addition it addresses other regional goals as applicable, such as improving safety, accessibility, security, and supporting principles developed in the WILMAPCO 2050 Regional Transportation Plan.

CMP Corridor Profiles:
The WILMAPCO CMP is an ongoing process with portions updated once newer data is available. There are 5 main tasks broken down into smaller summaries for each along with any supporting mapping or data products.

CMP Task Reports and  Summaries Related to CMP Task Webmap(s) and Other CMP Support Materials
#1: Performance Measurement & Identification of congestion hotspots
Evaluation of the overall performance of the transportation network, including Analysis from DelDOT TOMP effort.
#2: Current hotspot conditions and existing multimodal infrastructure     
Current conditions along CMP hotspots consisting of:
– Multi-modal transportation inventory
– Land Use/ Socio-economic conditions
– Journey to Work & Employment
#3: Congestion Mitigation Strategy evaluation –  Summary of potential mitigation strategies are applicable to each CMP hotspot based on principles originating from the WILMAPCO RTP.
#4: Current Active & Planned Projects to meet TPM targets
Projects and other efforts in the WILMAPCO TIP and RTP designed to address conditions at CMP hotspots by modal impact(s) it addresses:

#1: Reduce VMT during Peak Hours
#2: Shifting Trips to other modes
#3: Enhances Access to Jobs / Economic
#4: Operational Improvements
#5: Adds Roadway Capacity
#5: Effectiveness Evaluation of Implemented Mitigation Strategies
Ongoing efforts to use data sources to document changes in travel conditions as a result of implemented improvment(s).


Historical Documents and Materials

Tracking Changes in Traffic during CoVID-19
WILMAPCO was active in tracking the changing traffic conditions brought on by the CoVID-19 Pandemic. The materials below will be updated as conditions warrant.

2014 WILMAPCO CMP Intersection Operations Analysis

The 2014 Intersection Operations Analysis is an outgrowth of the CMP process. It focuses upon the arterial roadway network and analyzes the current performance of the signals along all arterial roadways in New Castle County according to the FHWA’s functional classification system. The goal of the analysis is to:

  • Produce a regional delay/capacity analysis for signalized intersections along the arterial network.
  • Identify which intersections have reached a point of limited capacity available to function efficiently.
  • Prioritize intersections which need capital improvement, minor adjustments, or can still be addressed through signal timing efforts.

Monitor the status and timing of any capital improvements scheduled along with the implementation of Traffic Responsive Signalization (TRS) technology to the identified corridors. This document is to serve as a way to update the decision-makers and members of the public on the progress that is being made.

Key Corridors
Identified in
Operations Analysis
1. Kirkwood

2. US 202
3. Cleveland
4. SR 896
5. Old Baltimore

6. SR 273
7. SR 72
8. US 40
9. SR 4
10. US 13
11. SR 141
12. SR 7

Traffic responsive Signalization:

Traffic Responsive Signalization(or TRS) is a method of signal management that uses advanced technology to adjust timing to meet the needs of the current traffic volume. The signals used in this method optimize signal timing according to traffic volume in each direction. Sensors are used to detect vehicular traffic in a certain direction at a particular point and an algorithm is used to predict when and where the traffic will be. The signal controller utilizes these algorithms to adjust the length of green time to allow the maximum amount of vehicles through the intersection. This method can react to fluctuating traffic volume in order to reduce congestion.

Through coordination with the DelDOT, TMC and WILMAPCO, an effort was made to use the performance measures developed through the corridor identification process to help the operations community to prioritize their efforts to address the corridors which are in need of installing traffic signal improvements, including retiming and/or installing TRS equipment. To view which corridors in New Castle County, please click on one of the links below:

2014 New Castle County Intersection Operations Analysis:

The main goal of the Wilmington Area Planning Council’s (WILMAPCO) Congestion Management System (CMS) report is a “systems” approach to identifying and addressing congestion in our region. With this approach, the existence of congestion in the transportation system can be seen in more of a regional (or national) context and it becomes apparent how slight changes at a specific location can impact the operation of the transportation system as a whole.

Entire 2012 CMS Summary (.PDF) 2014 New Castle County
Intersection Operations
Analysis (.PDF)